Daily Report

The CryptoOceans Twice Daily Cryptocurrency Report (as of 2021-06-29 23:54:02 BST).

Bitcoin USD (CCC:BTC-USD) had an increased price of 4.10% (or 1,410.289 points) to $35,846.00 from its previous close of $34,449.11.

The BTC had a decreased trading volume of 37,779,959,808 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 40,730,563,685 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 55,612,203,219. The total market cap is 671.9B.

The current market price against USD so far is 299.31% over 52 weeks minimum price of $8,977.02 and 44.74% under 52 weeks maximum price of $64,863.10. Also, the price is -17.88% less than 200 day average of $43,651.05 and -7.18% less than 50 day average of $38,619.64.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of BTC-USD are:

Ethereum USD (CCC:ETH-USD) had an increased price of 3.91% (or 81.369 points) to $2,161.45 from its previous close of $2,082.03.

The ETH had a decreased trading volume of 24,756,203,520 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 24,808,767,078 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 36,348,697,631. The total market cap is 251.8B.

The current market price against USD so far is 862.59% over 52 weeks minimum price of $224.54 and 50.45% under 52 weeks maximum price of $4,362.35. Also, the price is 12.56% greater than 200 day average of $1,920.29 and -18.18% less than 50 day average of $2,641.77.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of ETH-USD are:

Tether USD (CCC:USDT-USD) had an increased price of 0.01% (or 0.000 points) to $1.00 from its previous close of $1.00.

The USDT had a decreased trading volume of 64,720,224,256 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 66,707,297,071 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 120,011,492,446. The total market cap is 62.5B.

The current market price against USD so far is 0.99% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.99 and 5.33% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.06. Also, the price is -0.05% less than 200 day average of $1.00 and -0.05% less than 50 day average of $1.00.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of USDT-USD are:

BinanceCoin USD (CCC:BNB-USD) had an increased price of 3.64% (or 10.516 points) to $299.75 from its previous close of $290.66.

The BNB had a decreased trading volume of 1,942,134,528 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 2,287,652,157 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 4,463,197,264. The total market cap is 46.0B.

The current market price against USD so far is 1,866.23% over 52 weeks minimum price of $15.25 and 56.62% under 52 weeks maximum price of $690.93. Also, the price is 10.86% greater than 200 day average of $270.39 and -21.86% less than 50 day average of $383.61.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of BNB-USD are:

Cardano USD (CCC:ADA-USD) had an increased price of 3.39% (or 0.045 points) to $1.37 from its previous close of $1.33.

The ADA had a decreased trading volume of 2,594,657,536 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 3,464,511,397 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 4,862,096,722. The total market cap is 43.8B.

The current market price against USD so far is 1,700.70% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.08 and 44.37% under 52 weeks maximum price of $2.46. Also, the price is 34.12% greater than 200 day average of $1.02 and -13.82% less than 50 day average of $1.59.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of ADA-USD are:

Dogecoin USD (CCC:DOGE-USD) had an increased price of 2.05% (or 0.005 points) to $0.26 from its previous close of $0.26.

The DOGE had a decreased trading volume of 2,186,705,152 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 3,583,529,453 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 9,388,184,452. The total market cap is 34.2B.

The current market price against USD so far is 11,416.50% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.00 and 64.45% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.74. Also, the price is 65.67% greater than 200 day average of $0.16 and -24.46% less than 50 day average of $0.35.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of DOGE-USD are:

XRP USD (CCC:XRP-USD) had an increased price of 8.83% (or 0.057 points) to $0.70 from its previous close of $0.64.

The XRP had an increased trading volume of 3,322,928,896 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 3,136,324,338 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 9,713,925,445. The total market cap is 32.3B.

The current market price against USD so far is 302.18% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.17 and 64.34% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.96. Also, the price is -4.07% less than 200 day average of $0.73 and -27.46% less than 50 day average of $0.97.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of XRP-USD are:

USDCoin USD (CCC:USDC-USD) had an increased price of 0.01% (or 0.000 points) to $1.00 from its previous close of $1.00.

The USDC had a decreased trading volume of 2,365,533,440 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 2,616,958,719 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 2,463,346,411. The total market cap is 25.2B.

The current market price against USD so far is 0.82% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.99 and 2.58% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.03. Also, the price is -0.03% less than 200 day average of $1.00 and -0.03% less than 50 day average of $1.00.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of USDC-USD are:

Polkadot USD (CCC:DOT1-USD) had an increased price of 3.19% (or 0.501 points) to $16.23 from its previous close of $15.93.

The DOT1 had a decreased trading volume of 1,339,176,320 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 3,414,422,602 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 1,554,630,819. The total market cap is 15.5B.

The current market price against USD so far is 502.52% over 52 weeks minimum price of $2.69 and 16.03% under 52 weeks maximum price of $19.32. Also, the price is 180.92% greater than 200 day average of $5.78 and 49.93% greater than 50 day average of $10.82.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of DOT1-USD are:

HEX USD (CCC:HEX-USD) had an increased price of 2.92% (or 0.002 points) to $0.08 from its previous close of $0.08.

The HEX had a decreased trading volume of 31,963,190 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 33,145,688 and it had an increased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 22,250,716. The total market cap is 14.5B.

The current market price against USD so far is 3,535.95% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.00 and 21.12% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.11. Also, the price is 84.64% greater than 200 day average of $0.05 and 28.84% greater than 50 day average of $0.06.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of HEX-USD are:

Uniswap USD (CCC:UNI3-USD) had an increased price of 4.72% (or 0.835 points) to $18.54 from its previous close of $17.78.

The UNI3 had an increased trading volume of 382,190,816 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of and it had an increased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of . The total market cap is 10.7B.

The current market price against USD so far is 4.27% over 52 weeks minimum price of $17.78 and 3.32% under 52 weeks maximum price of $19.17. Also, the price is -% greater than 200 day average of $- and -% greater than 50 day average of $-.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of UNI3-USD are:

BitcoinCash USD (CCC:BCH-USD) had an increased price of 4.05% (or 20.309 points) to $521.21 from its previous close of $501.91.

The BCH had an increased trading volume of 1,743,191,552 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 1,701,351,348 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 4,561,928,883. The total market cap is 9.8B.

The current market price against USD so far is 153.43% over 52 weeks minimum price of $205.66 and 68.12% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1,635.15. Also, the price is -15.52% less than 200 day average of $616.96 and -28.37% less than 50 day average of $727.61.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of BCH-USD are:

Litecoin USD (CCC:LTC-USD) had an increased price of 4.57% (or 6.283 points) to $143.62 from its previous close of $138.99.

The LTC had a decreased trading volume of 2,174,803,968 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 2,275,482,178 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 5,419,244,958. The total market cap is 9.6B.

The current market price against USD so far is 253.25% over 52 weeks minimum price of $40.66 and 65.22% under 52 weeks maximum price of $412.96. Also, the price is -24.47% less than 200 day average of $190.16 and -25.52% less than 50 day average of $192.82.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of LTC-USD are:

Solana USD (CCC:SOL1-USD) had an increased price of 2.82% (or 0.931 points) to $33.89 from its previous close of $32.97.

The SOL1 had a decreased trading volume of 469,841,248 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 665,196,624 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 776,785,600. The total market cap is 9.2B.

The current market price against USD so far is 5,173.51% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.64 and 41.87% under 52 weeks maximum price of $58.30. Also, the price is 67.69% greater than 200 day average of $20.21 and -7.51% less than 50 day average of $36.64.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of SOL1-USD are:

Chainlink USD (CCC:LINK-USD) had an increased price of 3.60% (or 0.675 points) to $19.44 from its previous close of $18.86.

The LINK had a decreased trading volume of 954,728,576 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 1,220,003,039 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 2,126,251,020. The total market cap is 8.5B.

The current market price against USD so far is 329.18% over 52 weeks minimum price of $4.53 and 63.23% under 52 weeks maximum price of $52.88. Also, the price is -27.80% less than 200 day average of $26.93 and -30.02% less than 50 day average of $27.79.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of LINK-USD are:

MaticNetwork USD (CCC:MATIC-USD) had an increased price of 4.10% (or 0.046 points) to $1.17 from its previous close of $1.12.

The MATIC had a decreased trading volume of 955,137,024 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 1,159,225,573 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 1,927,650,339. The total market cap is 7.4B.

The current market price against USD so far is 7,459.18% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.02 and 56.42% under 52 weeks maximum price of $2.68. Also, the price is 9.30% greater than 200 day average of $1.07 and -21.78% less than 50 day average of $1.49.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of MATIC-USD are:

InternetComputer USD (CCC:ICP1-USD) had an increased price of 7.40% (or 3.702 points) to $53.71 from its previous close of $50.03.

The ICP1 had an increased trading volume of 730,763,456 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of and it had an increased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of . The total market cap is 7.3B.

The current market price against USD so far is 14.67% over 52 weeks minimum price of $46.84 and 8.79% under 52 weeks maximum price of $58.89. Also, the price is -% greater than 200 day average of $- and -% greater than 50 day average of $-.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of ICP1-USD are:

THETA USD (CCC:THETA-USD) had an increased price of 2.39% (or 0.165 points) to $7.07 from its previous close of $6.92.

The THETA had a decreased trading volume of 248,655,776 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 337,125,403 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 487,817,719. The total market cap is 7.1B.

The current market price against USD so far is 3,205.82% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.21 and 55.54% under 52 weeks maximum price of $15.90. Also, the price is 10.60% greater than 200 day average of $6.39 and -12.98% less than 50 day average of $8.12.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of THETA-USD are:

EthereumClassic USD (CCC:ETC-USD) had an increased price of 29.24% (or 12.660 points) to $55.96 from its previous close of $43.31.

The ETC had an increased trading volume of 4,657,896,448 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 2,080,349,939 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 5,507,601,003. The total market cap is 6.5B.

The current market price against USD so far is 1,094.94% over 52 weeks minimum price of $4.68 and 68.23% under 52 weeks maximum price of $176.16. Also, the price is 89.55% greater than 200 day average of $29.52 and -14.07% less than 50 day average of $65.12.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of ETC-USD are:

Stellar USD (CCC:XLM-USD) had an increased price of 6.01% (or 0.016 points) to $0.28 from its previous close of $0.26.

The XLM had a decreased trading volume of 527,583,680 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 527,964,078 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 1,882,203,818. The total market cap is 6.5B.

The current market price against USD so far is 335.01% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.06 and 64.92% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.80. Also, the price is -27.74% less than 200 day average of $0.39 and -31.50% less than 50 day average of $0.41.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of XLM-USD are:

The CryptoOceans cryptocurrency report is a picture of the market of top crypto-currencies released twice a day.

Home Forums The CryptoOceans Twice Daily Cryptocurrency Report (as of 2021-06-29 23:54:02 BST).

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