Daily Report

The CryptoOceans Twice Daily Cryptocurrency Report (as of 2023-08-11 11:53:00 UTC).

Bitcoin USD (CCC:BTC-USD) had a decreased price of 0.048% (or 14.1520 points) to $29,410.752 from its previous close of $29,424.904.

The BTC had a decreased trading volume of 11,517,238,272 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 13,760,381,013 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 13,840,568,117. The total market cap is 572.2B.

The current market price against USD so far is 88.542% over 52 weeks minimum price of $15,599.047 and 7.556% under 52 weeks maximum price of $31,814.516. Also, the price is 8.633% greater than 200 day average of $27,073.605 and -1.865% less than 50 day average of $29,969.760.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of BTC-USD are:

Ethereum USD (CCC:ETH-USD) had a decreased price of 0.065% (or 1.2090 points) to $1,849.402 from its previous close of $1,850.611.

The ETH had a decreased trading volume of 3,654,741,504 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 5,076,576,517 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 5,994,570,357. The total market cap is 222.2B.

The current market price against USD so far is 71.061% over 52 weeks minimum price of $1,081.138 and 13.476% under 52 weeks maximum price of $2,137.445. Also, the price is 3.262% greater than 200 day average of $1,790.983 and -1.651% less than 50 day average of $1,880.452.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of ETH-USD are:

Tether USDt USD (CCC:USDT-USD) had a decreased price of 0.012% (or 0.0001 points) to $0.999 from its previous close of $0.999.

The USDT had a decreased trading volume of 17,982,681,088 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 21,436,428,601 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 22,018,338,836. The total market cap is 83.4B.

The current market price against USD so far is 1.767% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.982 and 2.987% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.030. Also, the price is -0.153% less than 200 day average of $1.000 and -0.107% less than 50 day average of $1.000.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of USDT-USD are:

BNB USD (CCC:BNB-USD) had a decreased price of 0.265% (or 0.6386 points) to $240.612 from its previous close of $241.250.

The BNB had a decreased trading volume of 371,059,136 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 466,634,513 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 497,573,175. The total market cap is 37.0B.

The current market price against USD so far is 8.873% over 52 weeks minimum price of $221.003 and 38.101% under 52 weeks maximum price of $388.716. Also, the price is -17.203% less than 200 day average of $290.604 and -0.448% less than 50 day average of $241.694.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of BNB-USD are:

XRP USD (CCC:XRP-USD) had a decreased price of 0.200% (or 0.0013 points) to $0.631 from its previous close of $0.633.

The XRP had a decreased trading volume of 1,015,559,552 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 1,285,025,457 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 1,432,134,185. The total market cap is 33.3B.

The current market price against USD so far is 99.830% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.316 and 28.864% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.888. Also, the price is 29.192% greater than 200 day average of $0.489 and 3.214% greater than 50 day average of $0.612.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of XRP-USD are:

USD Coin USD (CCC:USDC-USD) had a decreased price of 0.001% (or 0.0000 points) to $1.000 from its previous close of $1.000.

The USDC had a decreased trading volume of 2,618,887,168 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 2,999,734,348 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 3,127,012,269. The total market cap is 26.1B.

The current market price against USD so far is 13.986% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.877 and 0.716% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.007. Also, the price is 0.034% greater than 200 day average of $1.000 and 0.008% greater than 50 day average of $1.000.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of USDC-USD are:

Lido Staked ETH USD (CCC:STETH-USD) had a decreased price of 0.236% (or 4.3499 points) to $1,844.073 from its previous close of $1,848.423.

The STETH had a decreased trading volume of 7,947,335 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 27,455,663 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 20,332,017. The total market cap is 14.9B.

The current market price against USD so far is 75.285% over 52 weeks minimum price of $1,052.042 and 13.057% under 52 weeks maximum price of $2,121.024. Also, the price is 3.515% greater than 200 day average of $1,781.449 and -1.616% less than 50 day average of $1,874.369.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of STETH-USD are:

Dogecoin USD (CCC:DOGE-USD) had a decreased price of 0.191% (or 0.0001 points) to $0.076 from its previous close of $0.076.

The DOGE had a decreased trading volume of 289,515,136 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 351,124,304 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 339,371,182. The total market cap is 10.6B.

The current market price against USD so far is 35.721% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.056 and 51.876% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.157. Also, the price is -0.790% less than 200 day average of $0.076 and 6.938% greater than 50 day average of $0.071.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of DOGE-USD are:

Cardano USD (CCC:ADA-USD) had a decreased price of 0.078% (or 0.0002 points) to $0.296 from its previous close of $0.296.

The ADA had a decreased trading volume of 168,852,160 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 235,049,682 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 256,430,579. The total market cap is 10.4B.

The current market price against USD so far is 28.457% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.230 and 50.161% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.594. Also, the price is -15.372% less than 200 day average of $0.350 and -1.309% less than 50 day average of $0.300.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of ADA-USD are:

Solana USD (CCC:SOL-USD) had a decreased price of 0.777% (or 0.1909 points) to $24.471 from its previous close of $24.662.

The SOL had a decreased trading volume of 354,861,056 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 377,695,789 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 433,835,101. The total market cap is 9.9B.

The current market price against USD so far is 200.577% over 52 weeks minimum price of $8.141 and 49.214% under 52 weeks maximum price of $48.184. Also, the price is 13.829% greater than 200 day average of $21.498 and 9.771% greater than 50 day average of $22.293.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of SOL-USD are:

Wrapped TRON USD (CCC:WTRX-USD) had a decreased price of 0.002% (or 0.0000 points) to $0.077 from its previous close of $0.077.

The WTRX had a decreased trading volume of 260,779 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 461,316 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 1,469,265. The total market cap is 7.8B.

The current market price against USD so far is 68.198% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.046 and 23.236% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.100. Also, the price is 9.139% greater than 200 day average of $0.071 and -1.402% less than 50 day average of $0.078.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of WTRX-USD are:

TRON USD (CCC:TRX-USD) had a decreased price of 0.184% (or 0.0001 points) to $0.077 from its previous close of $0.077.

The TRX had a decreased trading volume of 152,963,472 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 180,171,652 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 202,548,437. The total market cap is 6.9B.

The current market price against USD so far is 68.350% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.046 and 17.251% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.093. Also, the price is 9.071% greater than 200 day average of $0.071 and -1.409% less than 50 day average of $0.078.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of TRX-USD are:

Polygon USD (CCC:MATIC-USD) had a decreased price of 0.008% (or 0.0001 points) to $0.685 from its previous close of $0.685.

The MATIC had a decreased trading volume of 242,920,656 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 271,254,832 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 327,073,504. The total market cap is 6.4B.

The current market price against USD so far is 22.422% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.559 and 56.082% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.559. Also, the price is -28.565% less than 200 day average of $0.959 and -2.757% less than 50 day average of $0.704.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of MATIC-USD are:

Litecoin USD (CCC:LTC-USD) had a decreased price of 0.033% (or 0.0277 points) to $83.030 from its previous close of $83.057.

The LTC had a decreased trading volume of 243,599,856 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 563,512,269 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 620,331,497. The total market cap is 6.1B.

The current market price against USD so far is 69.893% over 52 weeks minimum price of $48.872 and 27.483% under 52 weeks maximum price of $114.497. Also, the price is -7.851% less than 200 day average of $90.103 and -10.294% less than 50 day average of $92.558.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of LTC-USD are:

Polkadot USD (CCC:DOT-USD) had an increased price of 0.045% (or 0.0023 points) to $5.001 from its previous close of $4.999.

The DOT had a decreased trading volume of 77,157,144 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 103,882,133 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 120,111,076. The total market cap is 6.1B.

The current market price against USD so far is 17.979% over 52 weeks minimum price of $4.239 and 48.207% under 52 weeks maximum price of $9.657. Also, the price is -13.004% less than 200 day average of $5.749 and -3.381% less than 50 day average of $5.176.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of DOT-USD are:

Shiba Inu USD (CCC:SHIB-USD) had an increased price of 1.131% (or 0.0000 points) to $0.000 from its previous close of $0.000.

The SHIB had a decreased trading volume of 313,098,464 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 316,206,156 and it had an increased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 138,637,591. The total market cap is 5.9B.

The current market price against USD so far is 67.385% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.000 and 44.205% under 52 weeks maximum price of $0.000. Also, the price is 1.343% greater than 200 day average of $0.000 and 23.380% greater than 50 day average of $0.000.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of SHIB-USD are:

Dai USD (CCC:DAI-USD) had a decreased price of 0.019% (or 0.0002 points) to $1.000 from its previous close of $1.000.

The DAI had a decreased trading volume of 89,749,528 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 151,113,746 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 123,763,064. The total market cap is 5.3B.

The current market price against USD so far is 11.440% over 52 weeks minimum price of $0.897 and 0.821% under 52 weeks maximum price of $1.008. Also, the price is 0.009% greater than 200 day average of $1.000 and -0.016% less than 50 day average of $1.000.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of DAI-USD are:

Wrapped Bitcoin USD (CCC:WBTC-USD) had a decreased price of 0.091% (or 26.7790 points) to $29,407.916 from its previous close of $29,434.695.

The WBTC had a decreased trading volume of 117,123,480 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 124,757,056 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 118,146,909. The total market cap is 4.8B.

The current market price against USD so far is 89.498% over 52 weeks minimum price of $15,518.878 and 7.166% under 52 weeks maximum price of $31,678.016. Also, the price is 8.661% greater than 200 day average of $27,063.963 and -1.783% less than 50 day average of $29,941.885.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of WBTC-USD are:

Bitcoin Cash USD (CCC:BCH-USD) had a decreased price of 1.524% (or 3.5054 points) to $228.320 from its previous close of $231.825.

The BCH had a decreased trading volume of 233,440,864 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 331,753,108 and it had a decreased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 385,619,843. The total market cap is 4.4B.

The current market price against USD so far is 158.613% over 52 weeks minimum price of $88.286 and 29.989% under 52 weeks maximum price of $326.122. Also, the price is 48.271% greater than 200 day average of $153.988 and -7.431% less than 50 day average of $246.650.

The latest news that may have contributed to recent price movements of BCH-USD are:

Toncoin USD (CCC:TON11419-USD) had an increased price of 0.170% (or 0.0021 points) to $1.261 from its previous close of $1.259.

The TON11419 had a decreased trading volume of 21,853,020 this session compared to the average daily volume of the last 10 days of 25,243,285 and it had an increased trading volume compared to the average daily volume of the last 3 months of 15,013,547. The total market cap is 4.3B.

The current market price against USD so far is 12.264% over 52 weeks minimum price of $1.124 and 55.966% under 52 weeks maximum price of $2.865. Also, the price is -34.802% less than 200 day average of $1.935 and -5.880% less than 50 day average of $1.340.

The CryptoOceans cryptocurrency report is a picture of the market of top crypto-currencies released twice a day.

Home Forums The CryptoOceans Twice Daily Cryptocurrency Report (as of 2023-08-11 11:53:00 UTC).

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